Sacred Journey Inward

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Entertaining Millie Award

When I started this blog a few months ago I never imagined that anyone other than my family and friends would actually read it.  I started it so that my kids and immediate family would have a place to go if they wanted to know what was going on in my life…since I am on top of a mountain.  What started as an outlet has truly been a humbling experience.  As of yesterday I have almost a hundred followers on my site.  I don’t even know a hundred people, let alone any who would want to read what I have to say.  Thank you!I have been presented throughout the past few months with several awards.  I haven’t reciprocated the rules of the game and I will apologize.  I am flattered and honored by those who have picked me for the Versatile Blog Award, the Liebster Blog Award, and I believe there was another one a month or two ago.  Thank you again.  I can’t just pick five top bloggers.  I wish I could.  A tidbit of quirky information about me…I don’t follow rules too well.  I get lost on the first sentence.  It’s horrible.  I know this and I wish I could oblige with all that needs to be done to pay it forward each time I get a nomination.  It actually stresses me out because I feel like I am hurting someone’s feelings for not moving on with the rules!I love reading blogs.  I have a lot of them go directly to my phone so when I am in a line, or waiting in a doctor’s office, or patiently waiting for the world to move slowly around me, I check out the many sites I follow.  I love them all.  I have added a few below.  They are not in any order.  Consider this YOUR nomination for the “Entertaining Millie Award.” (Note: since I am not computer savvy please note that I have not formatted the links to the thingy that brings it to the direct site--ignorance is my only defense).lovetheatrics.wordpress.comoakworld.wordpress.comjeglatter.wordpress.comdovesgold.wordpress.comlivinginthenowdotnet.wordpress.comjasondegray.wordpress.comthetruthfulwarrior.wordpress.comskymunki.wordpress.comlesplaisirimplesdelavie.wordpress.comlessonsfromtheendofamarriage.comladyromp.comcarriecraig.wordpress.comsamsnortherngirl.wordpress.comcclody.wordpress.comworldlywinds.wordpress.comjohnedoe.wordpress.comtheheartof I am certain that I am forgetting many more.  I apologize for this!  I wish I had the time to pass on the knowledge you all have provided for hours of entertainment.  Thank you!  Also, I can’t be more grateful for all of you who stop by this blog site and actually read my thoughts.  If you are ever in the mountains of Western North Carolina I hope you stop by our retreat center and say hello.   Keep on writing and inspiring me!  This community of writers has been a universal education for me and I hope to continue learning from all of you.