Sacred Journey Inward

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Reblog: A Wayside Sacrament by Carrie Craig

It is always a surprise when other people feel the sacredness of our little retreat center.  When Bobbie and I visited the first time in May of 2010, we felt an immediate pull.  There was an instant sense of “having arrived” and a need to make this place our home.  The call was so loud that we returned the following month to make a purchase offer.  We checked the area out and even had a realtor show us other locations.  None came close to this piece of heaven that we would call home.  We moved here at the end of July.  Within two months our lives had changed dramatically.  It was all hyper speed and there were no blockages in the way.  The signs brought us here and the Divine Spirit made sure we would utilize this magical space to create a haven for many.As I read the following blog, I was reminded of the “wayside sacraments” along the many paths of my life.  It isn’t only in this place but throughout the many curves, detours, and crossroads that I’ve encountered in the past few years.   It is important to remain aware of our surroundings while being present.  Divine moments arrive when we are open to nature, the universe, others, and ourselves.  The last two years have allowed us to be carried by Spirit.  We are fortunate to live in a mystical place, but any place that your soul feels at peace is your own sacred area.I believe that when you remove the crazy chatter of ego your spirit leads you through the most amazing adventures.  Spontaneous and serendipitous moments make for the best lessons.  Life is always better because of those simple pleasures.  I hope you enjoy the words from Carrie as much as I have…they are full of true wisdom.