Sacred Journey Inward

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Mysteries in Writing

I sit in front of my laptop staring at a blank screen each morning.  I have no expectations of what will appear behind the cursor.  I light my incense, a few candles on the table, and say my prayers.  This is my morning ritual in silence.  I never know where I will be taken after those initial moments.  It seems rather selfish of me to take any credit for the words that manifest.  I rarely do!  Just like a music composer, my fingers have a direct line to some other source in the universe.There are times that I write poems of lovers that don’t exist in my life.  I’ve written poems of things I know nothing about, but then come to pass as if I was also following the cursor on the screen.  In such cases I let Spirit do its thing.  I am constantly awed by the imagery, description, experiences and moments that teach me through my own writing.  But it isn’t MY writing.  I am merely a secretary.A few months ago I wrote a poem called Your Story.  It wasn’t written for anyone in particular.  It poured out of me like a cascade and within seconds I had to reach for my phone in the middle of the night and type it quickly.  I had to make sure each word was documented while conceiving line after line.  I have thousands of poems put away, discarded, forgotten in one form or another.  I cannot recite a single one of them.  But, this poem has continued to speak to me.  Recently I met the person that requires my devoted attention to hear a story.  I want to know everything.  And it is then that I think of this poem and believe I was being prepared for the arrival.To me, writing is mysterious.  It is magical.  The arrival of such messages makes me giddy.  I never know when the words will touch someone.  I am always surprised by how others react to certain pieces.  What truly touches me is that I learn from those words on the computer screen, searching for me to understand something new. We are not alone.  We are never alone and it is priceless to share experiences through the written word while allowing us to feel even less secluded in the path of discovery.Life is a wonderful journey.  Each person lives to leave behind a legacy of their truth.  May you find that one person who enters your space and you can’t wait to hear their story….Your StoryTell me something I don’t know…the charisma thatdefines and expressesthe things you leave behindthat no one else has known.Share your story right now:the joys,the sadness,the in-between,which molded youinto this spectacular current chapterof your memoirthat now includes me.Let me touch each syllablein your wordsas I trace your lips to find their truth.Shower me with your adjectivesand enrich me in the beautythat you have witnessed.Grab me with your verbsmaking me delirious with excitementfor the things that havetaken you here and there.Carry me with your nounsto all those places I’ve never visitedand let me see them through your eyes.Let me enterinto youto finally become usin this grand experience,this guided journey,full of interconnected storieswith sentences and paragraphs;questions, exclamations, and periods;indentations, spaces, and pauses.Allow our humannessto unfold,discover,marvel, and sharewithout ever having to worrythat you are alone in this exposition.Let this composition endwith the knowingthat the Divine has beenthe narrator of your sagaand all that you arehas been a plan to teach youthat love is all we need togather in this adventure of life.