Sacred Journey Inward

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Two books on Kindle - Thank YOU!

Over a year ago an amazing writer friend of mine came to visit us for a few days.  He began to share of a book he was working on and he asked when would I write one?  I told him I had written a novella and it was neatly tucked in my second drawer of a desk.  “Oh, no, no, no!  This is not acceptable.” Aubrey commented, “Novels don’t belong there.”  I handed him the manuscript and asked him to read it.  The next morning he asked why I hadn’t finished it because it deserved release.  I was shocked and terrified at all he said that morning.  He actually liked it!!!It took me another few weeks to do it.  For over twelve months the novella Ballerina in a Bottle resided in my computer.  I figured it needed to reach its maturity and brewing stage.  After much nagging and questioning and other adjectives I dare not share… Matt and Bobbie got me to unveil it.  Matt was kind enough to finish the techie process of putting it out there.  It is set free along with another compilation!That’s the thing about works of art, writing, music, and creativity.  They come from some part of us that muses and births.  To me, the sharing is the hardest part.  When I began this blog I was terrified.  I didn’t know how or why I was doing it.  It was the winter of 2011-2012.  What could anyone possibly want to read from me?  I’ve made countless friends.  I’ve laughed and cried with many of you.  It has been exactly what I needed to finally accept that I write.  Wow!  I AM A WRITER!  This is who I am when I wake each morning.  The muse comes with me to the table, along with my cup of coffee, incense, and candle.  We sit.  We talk.  We let go. We unveil the journey to find peace. A Soul’s Peaceful Quest: Lessons from the Path was born from those moments.  It is a compilation of my blogs.Thank you all for always supporting me, stopping by this little site, and sharing your thoughts.  Y’all have been a source of guidance to me and my words.  Both books are now available in Amazon Kindle edition.