Sacred Journey Inward

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The Invitation

magicIt seems like a long-discarded proposalplaced in an unused desk drawer,but it has been the overlooked noticeof love's awkward arrival.Conveniently, I have chosento misplace the keythat unlocks the drawerand now, mysteriously,it has been opened widerevealing its contents.I marvel at the ambiguity,the written language,completely foreign to meyet somehow I understand it.How foolish of meto discard this noticefor so very longwhile its messengerhas been on a constant crusadereminding methat I am still invitedto love;to feel love;to be in love....I remain spoiledto the un-necessity of losing myselfto anyone other than mebecause of traumas,deep-rooted hurt, andthe painful past.But, here in this small drawerlies the truth about the future.I have been invited to love again.As I hold this tender offeringI smile becausedeep inside I knowI must go and attendin the celebrationof love,my life,myself....