Sacred Journey Inward

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PathwayAn unknown path calls for me,pulling me towardsthe unionof earth and spirit.The sigh from naturedraws attentionto the trees,the ground,to primitive beginnings.I wantto remain hereas will and couragebreak out from silencesoaring to the Heavens.I want to sit and layamong this hearthwhere moth and air plants residealongside ferns and trees.I want to stare through God’s canopyand abide by the simple rules:The rhythm of leaves shuffling,falling and disappearing;the cool wind softly kissing the trees;the water lovingly teasing the edges of creeks.But eventually I must go--I cannot disrupt this existence.I am only a spectatorin this place,but I can returnas often as I want,restoring my spiritwith the ever knowingly forceof divinity in the forestof all waking dreams.