Sacred Journey Inward

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Thank Your Soul

mirror imageDo an honorable gesture for your soul this morning. When you go brush your teeth stand and look into your eyes. Forget your hair, your face, the clothes and any other distraction of falsehood. You are your soul, not the external elements of the body. Look deep. Smile. Thank her/him for borrowing this incredible and magnificent body. Look deeper and see how it doesn't even look like the YOU that you are accustomed to witnessing every day. It is there in that gratitude that your truth and purpose reside. The rest is a bonus. Do this every day. I promise that you will stop worrying about the physicality of you. The age spots disappear, the over run eyebrow hairs vanish, the lines become invisible because all that matters in that moment is that you see the Divine staring back at you! You are exquisite so go meet your true self. Have a blessed day. I love you mucho.