Sacred Journey Inward

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Color of Love

La14369904_1232138466845009_9125259672147867287_nst night Kali wanted her nails painted. This morning sitting outside with her she told me that green was now her favorite color. It used to be purple. I sat there holding her gorgeous hands out and the mere thought came through that to her she isn't darker than me or her father.  We are all one color.  There's no distinction between one or the other.The world is in a constant battle over colors: skin colors, political colors, colors of flags and boundaries, religious colors, etc. It's exhausting! But, here on my porch there is only one color that we teach this new generation: the color of love.

We are one race. We are one world. The skin color is our adornment. It's a gorgeous tattoo from the universe to wear for all of a single lifetime. Embrace your fabulous-ness and awesomeness. God don't make no junk.  You get to decide how you act and react in this world.  You get to decide the judgment and criticism you give and take.  You get to decide if you participate in the discrimination of humanity.  The questions are endless: How do you color your world?  What color is your love?  What color is your soul?  What does your skin pigmentation determine your conscious awareness of empathy?I told her this morning when she said that now her favorite color is green like mommy's that I had a favorite one too and that it was the color of love. And that one comes in every shade of the rainbow and magic. She smiled and exclaimed in excitement, "Coooooolllll!!!! My favorite too!"