Sacred Journey Inward

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In Loving You

dancewithmeI don't know how to love another way.This is how I love and I wish you allowed for itto embrace you like a warm spring engulfing all of you in comfort.I don't understand how to think about love in your terms.This is me inhaling and exhaling all that I amin truth...responding to the greatness of the parts you don't see. Sometime ago I was reminded, by an ex lover,that I loved him unlike anyone else.He didn't show me love but took it desperatelyclawing his way into my heart.It was full of anger and ravishing turmoilforcing us to constantly swirl like tornadoescolliding while destroying everything outside of our souls.I knew that he didn't love me. He just loved the way that I loved him.And, it was okay, because I loved for both of us.He said he had never been loved so fiercelyin hope of finding his soul.And still, now, he says he searches for the missing partsof love that I handed to him and then took back when I left. In the process of separationI realized that love is a perspective of sorts.I cannot make you love me.I am only responsible for my love and how freely I provide itwithout expectations. But you...I don't remember when I fell, completely and hopelessly, in love with you.I don't recall the exact moment of bonding,or expanding my heart wider to receive you.I think it just appeared one day and my soul knew it was time to let go.I recognized the discomfort of attaching to anyone so deeply,that I wanted to run the other direction.You took me, pulled me, disarmed meand asked to give it a chanceso here I am asking of you to release the old. Now in letting go of me without hesitationsI see you fighting,conflicting, twirling in your own doubtsof self-worth and past lovesfor what you have received so easily:the complete essence of mewith no strings attached or demands. You are finally seeing true love and it feelsunnerving, foreign, and at the same time,so freaking yummythat it commands more space,more truth,and more life in this timeline.