Sacred Journey Inward

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New Beginnings

14980661_1271215559603966_1342732359711334734_nI am reminded this morning about change. As I took the dog out this morning I noticed the reds are almost gone on the trees. The last of leaves are bright yellow and orange. Above on the ridges of the mountains is the beginning of winter...the dead-ness that arrives with this time. The creek has a large deposit of leaves waiting for a heavy rain. There is a baring and revealing that sits waiting to be noticed all around us. This is not my favorite time of the year. The rawness of having to move inward during the winter months is daunting at times. I need the sun, heat on my skin, and the brightness of days to guide me. But, I love these mountains of Western North Carolina and can't imagine living anywhere else. Change is definitely evident. It's in the trees, in the terrain and in all the new yummy things shifting in my life. The leaves don't ask each other if they can fall or stay or change. They just move with the timing and season. To everything there is a season. We are not immune to change. It happens every single second of our existence. I am grateful. I am giddy for this shift and discoloration making way to growth in the near future. And...just like the last colorful leaves remain I take them all in for all their beauty. I accept what is and move on. New beginnings require the transformation of endings into mysticism. Have a blessed day. Embrace the change ahead. I feel that this particular season will be magical!14915542_1271215556270633_7350289173718295780_n