Sacred Journey Inward

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The Truth is Sometimes Boring

truthYesterday, over a cup of coffee, I sat across from one of my dearest friends. We shared the events of the past week, caught up on holiday stories and then got real. I have some amazing friends. I can get real really fast when it is triggered with some loving pushiness. The charade comes off, throwing that mask away so I can be vulnerable. This particular friend is a mirror. I see in her all that I am. We reflect one another in many levels, especially emotional and spiritual stuff. She gets the good, bad, pretty and ugly of me...and still manages to love me whole.I sat there letting go of tears. I told her I was ready for change. I feel 2017 is going to catapult me into many amazing experiences. I have witnessed some intense awakenings lately, even shedding old belief patterns. I expressed how sad it made me that people believed things that weren't true. I have held myself up as someone who is not pretentious or fake. She immediately said, "Buttercup, people like the Jerry Springer version. They love that drama. They can't handle the simple truth because that's boring. They have to make it into trashy-over-the-top crap. That's what sells. And, anyone who matters will not buy into that cheap Springer nonsense. So there!"So there! There in those words lies love and truth.It's amazing how important it is for me to visually see that frame with Springer retelling crap. This woman has a gift for framing things in just the perfect size and order. I love that about her. And, it's unfortunately true: the Jerry Springer version of anything is what keeps society going. Most people take it as real and don't bother to research the truth. They want things handed to them, especially gossip filled with shame and wrongness. Cause, let's face it, who wants to truly dig and find out another version when the fake one instills fear and disappointments. The Springer show is entertaining. Anything else won't be. Anything uplifting won't sell the amount of tickets or have an audience.And, that's where we are in our world. We take things to heart by hearing them from wrong sources. Our lives have become a constant old game of telephone cups...repeating a story into a cup held by strings and by the time it makes it to the last person the story has changed dramatically into something ridiculous and unacceptable. But, many buy into it. They want to hear that version. They want to be disgusted and judge and feel another soul's failures. They want to know that they are human with a tremendous amount of flaws. Those who are awake and empathetic will never buy into this...but for the rest of them, it is what it is.The division is expanding between what is real and what is fabricated. We are seeing more and more the appalling circumstances of gossip, false media, and created stories that start with small insignificance and end in catastrophic mayhem. We are experiencing a massive shift in consciousness that is reaching out and clearing old paradigms. Can you feel it? Can you understand that you are in the midst of some powerful changes ahead? Are you willing to let go of those things and folks that no longer serve your highest calling and purpose? It's time, darlings!Be careful who you share your stories with. Be cautious of their output and how they may be turned into some sensational Jerry Springer segment for others to judge and send negativity back to you. You deserve to live in your authentic power with integrity and never allow another to take that power by twisting your truth. It's important to surround yourself with those who want your best interest at heart. You owe no one an explanation for your life. You also should not have to fight to make those believe if they don't care to stand in your light. The world is a sports arena and we are all spectators. Pick those who follow your team. They will always know your character.Sending love to all.