Sacred Journey Inward

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Don't Just Smell the Roses

I woke this morning doubting my ability to be human. I feel the ache of those around me.The deeper one travels down the rabbit hole to understand humanity, the harder it becomes to stay humane. Compassion arrives in the detachment but even that seems to be too much. Forgiveness starts with the self. It goes no further than that today. There is such a tremendous inability to allow consciousness to dictate rather than the ego driven psyche that makes and breaks us. This narcissism is present in me and everyone. I am owning my shit!But, when does it all stop? You know, this need to point fingers and not take responsibility for our stories? How do we connect with one another? What needs to happen to dispel the PTSD of past experiences that keep us prisoners of bitchiness, mental disorders, and stuck in victimization roles?Today I will be anything but this. Today I will not just smell the roses in the path. I will caress them, feeling their energy and allow for their beauty to sink in. I will accept those things that need attention and still remain open to the mysteries of life through an open heart. Much love to all!~Millie