Sacred Journey Inward

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Remember Bliss and Love

In the core of the heart there is freedom. There's no room for fear, second guessing, anxiety, doubts, and uncertainty. We are made in divine light that holds clarity through love and acceptance. And in this love we are embraced to believe in the power of awareness. We are made of love, to love, and be loved. Nothing else can live within the conscious beat of existence. Let's give that love our undivided attention and release all the programming we have been forced to believe: control is a state of mind. We forget to play because of responsibilities. We forget to be in the moment because of other issues. We forget that in order to reach the highest vibration of love we must let go of paradigms and enjoy the process of living. Every minute counts. I love children because they resonate love. They live in the core of Divine energy. There is so much to learn from their ability to live in the moment. Let's move through that awareness of loving ourselves and others for who they are and what they are. Go out there and get some crazy hair, laugh, sing and dance in the rain, be in love with you and all that your heart wants. Go blow bubbles and make mud pies. Talk with strangers and allow the magic of this world dictate the moment. Freedom is love. You are the substance of light and love...always. Bring more childlike moments into your life and raise the happy hormone levels. My heart extends out to you. We are all in this together. Have a beautiful week, my friends. Do something new to honor your existence even in the smallest of ways and be present with bliss. Mucho love!