Sacred Journey Inward

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Every single day I wake up and ask God to let me be of service to one person. I am fortunate that I meet someone new almost every single day. It is at the gas station, grocery store, coffee shop, or in the streets. This morning it was in the line at the post office getting mail for work. A gentle kind man with Down Syndrome stood in front of me with his mother or care taker. I was flipping through a catalog when he started the conversation:The man: Is that good? I nodded yes.The man: Today is the first day of school. Streets are busy again. Too many buses everywhere...His care taker apologized for his conversing to which I told her there was no need to apologize. I introduced myself and he told me his name, age (32 in two months and three days) and some other personal things. Once again the woman asked him to stop.Me: Joseph, do you like when everyone is in school? Are you going to school too?Joseph: No. I don't go to school. I work on my computer at my house. Want to come to my house? (he blurted out his address).Me: I wish I could just take off from work and go play at a park today. Wouldn't that be nice, Joseph? Do you like parks?Joseph: Yes, Millie. You are Millie. I am Joseph. Yes, Millie, playing at a park would be nice. Now all kids are in school. More space to get on the swings.The woman continued to try and stop his talking.I smiled at her and asked if he could continue. She laughed and warned me. I smiled and told her it was perfectly fine.We spoke for a few minutes. I starred into his blue eyes. Joseph told me the schedule of his daily routines and what he does on Saturdays. He asked what I did but didn't wait for an answer since he was busy continuing with his scheduling. Then they were done and heading out. Joseph said, "Millie, it was nice to meet you." He extended his arm out and I shook it and asked for a hug. He told me I smelled flowery. I laughed. Then he said, "Okay, babe, bye." My heart sunk. "Okay babe..." His words echoed in my soul all the way to the office. I thought about the innocence and kindness. I was moved to tears because in that sweet soul there is a man trying to find his way through shhhhh's and retrains. He lives with the knowledge of what is and what isn't. He's learned the programming. We all have. We carry them into our lives every single day. Some folks just know how to navigate better than others.Today, Joseph was an invaluable gift as I was trying to navigate through another Monday of adulting. I actually whispered to myself walking to my car early this morning..."Another perfectly wasted day adulting. Ugh!" And then Joseph showed up and allowed me to put adulting to the side while reminding me of the privilege it is to be an adult in this world. What a beautiful opportunity to live freely and fully without having anyone take care of me (at this moment). I am truly blessed for all those angels who come into my life at the precise moment I need reminders. May you find yourself entertained by angels who show you the parts of yourself that you ignore. We are blessed souls because of their visitations.