Sacred Journey Inward

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I am BEing

I was dropping Kali at school this morning when she began to run towards the door, "Mama, I'm gonna win you!”I watched her little body running against the morning wind, her curls being pushed back, the dark skin against the hot-pink tank top...oh my gosh...she was lovely. My heart reached my throat and I thought: "how precious! She's beautiful. She's magnificent. Look at her soul so carefree. She’s mine.”How did I get here? At this age? I was done having children. I was going to travel and explore the world. Here I am not just with a four year old but on the ledge of getting a one-and-a-half by the time he gets here. But, that's how we show up to life. We stop planning. We just go with the ebb and flow. We push through the unknown. Kali waited for me to get to the door, "You are so slow, Mama!" Indeed I am...I am slow in arriving. I am slower than any other time in my life because I want to savor every minute of these moments. I want to feel them. I want to honor them. I want to keep remembering why I am all the things that make me compassionate and loving. Because of these children...mine and others’. This is how I'm arriving into almost everything in my life. I’m slowly falling into my roles as a mother, a wife, a woman and a human. My time here is slowly revealing my most intimate purpose. I’m no longer running from (or towards) anything. I am simply BEing. **photo from a few weeks ago as she played on the beach talking to the seashells. She kept saying it was “my favorite day with you, Mama!”