Sacred Journey Inward

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Just a Matter of Time

We headed South a week ago to pick up our new baby boy who is 17 months old. It's been an intense few months. One legal fight after another. He's adjusted from the first night and we are blessed. It was just a matter of time before the questions would start from our four year old about her new baby brother!Kali: Mama, who is my baby's mommy? Is it Kara (I don’t know why she thinks it’s my friend)Me: no, baby girl, she’s not his mommy. Kali: who is his mommy and why didn’t she want him? What’s her name? Where does she live?Me: she couldn’t keep him. She’s sick. Her name doesn’t matter right now. She’s not healthy enough to have him. So he came here that way we can give him a good life. And love him a lot. Kali: mommy, he will be loved. Forever and ever. And she cannot have him back. (She says this as she’s holding on to him tightly). Me: sometimes people are used to physically have babies so others can give them the love they deserve. Not everyone can be a mommy or daddy. Not every should be. Kali: then he got in the right house. You and my daddy are great for the job. And he has a big sister and many other brothers. **********People think compassion is taught but compassion, like love, is a gift we are born with. We get to feed it and help it evolve but we are born with compassion, kindness and love. The rest is learned behavior. If a four year old (who has never wondered how she has two white parents) can feel the love in her family there is no reason the rest of us can’t just tap into that energy across the world. Look for the divine in everyone.