Sacred Journey Inward

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Dancing in the Rain

The yummiest part of my day was taking my sweet elderly client to the Botanical Gardens. We walked slowly and cautiously on the trail. It was about to rain. He was concerned. I asked, “What would be bad about getting a little rain on us? It’s so wonderful, you know! It’s just water. I can get you back in the car and to the facility in ten minutes!”He sighed. He smiled. “Well, you are right. I haven’t played in the rain since I was a child.”“Well then it’s time. If it rains we can sit here and bathe under the forest!”There was silence. I watched the wheels turning...a reprogramming of thoughts and beliefs.He sat in deep ponder. He looked out to the creek. He gasped and shared his gratitude in a way that made me cry. I held his hand in mine taking in a mental input of the moment.“I forget how fast 85 years have come and gone. And I still choose to live so rigid in my military thoughts.”“Yeah, there isn’t time for that. I say we stay here and dance slowly under the rain!” I said giggling.We waited. The rain never arrived. Just whispers from the heavens. But we were determined to dance under it so I allowed him to just twirl me for a second slowly on the grass. He showed me the most generous amount of presence.My heart seemed to be in rhythm with the world around us.Now you...go find joy in the simple things. You don’t have to follow such severe rigid rules. You are an adult. You get to be in bliss through the simplest ways like chasing a squirrel or might lead you into magic. ~m.a.p.