Sacred Journey Inward

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New Energy of Love

The first night in a new house is like being with a new lover. You listen to the noises attentively. You touch things with new eyes. You notice as much as you can hold in your senses. You study the forms and shapes of everything around you. You begin to hold space for it and the gifts the energy will bring. You gently feel the sacred gratitude making mental notes of what is and what isn’t.There is love pouring out of you with dreamy expectations of the future. There is acceptance without judgment. There is desire and ideas of what you will do together, who you may entertain and what will keep you safe. This is when the magic begins in any relationship. The unknown is ecstatic.Each picture you hang, each plate you put away, builds to the excitement. You are enticed by the novelty, the unknown, and the purity. It’s a blank canvas, and like a lover, it needs attention for you to be mindful of every inch of exploration.Some houses have ancestral histories, traumas, that are seen months later through unrevealed issues. They start to retaliate with problems while others feel as if you arrived to a place of complete belonging. They hold energy inside their walls. Like a lover, patience and acceptance are required. You cannot heal without permission. A house needs love. It needs time. It requires peace without pushing or pulling too quickly.On that first night you allow for the magic to enter. You create from a place of vulnerability. You put down your hair and begin a new journey. You speak to it with loving intentions. Like a new dive into that space with uncensored love.You mold into the space until you are one.In return it will welcome you with complete bliss. It is home....You are finally where you belong.~m.a.p.