Sacred Journey Inward

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Expansion of Consciousness

I am grateful. Every cell in my body feels the honor and privilege of being here. I have a charming life. Even when there are obstacles and challenges I know I have a wonderful life. I have a sweet meditation room. It’s a large closet in our new house that I converted into my sacred space. It’s a portal of sorts. Every time I sit to meditate I leave through its openings. I go off into other worlds. When I return to my body I recognize the gift that my life is. I become even more grateful. I make my daily intentions before getting up from the floor, right when I am blowing out my candles. “Make me an instrument of your love, God. Show me how I need to serve....”This morning was no exemption at 4am. The worlds opened up for me. I saw the universe. I visited the deep places in my consciousness that allow for healing work through me and out into the world. It’s magnificent. It's magical and mystical very yummilicious. I work in the mental health profession and if folks hear me express all the “visions” I have I might be institutionalized. Because...we are a race consumed by fear. We must label everything. We must make sense of what we aren’t accustomed to experience ourselves. I cannot help anyone if I don’t help myself with love. I cannot hear, feel, or touch the heart of another if I don’t live it through me. For decades I went around like a lunatic trying to fix everyone. I needed to have focused on me first. When I finally dealt with my own darkness I was able to help light others. Compassion is a gene that needs to be expanded at all times. It always starts with our own healing. It's a light always available to shine all around us. It's in the smallest of acts. That’s why I wake at the hour that I do daily and go off into my other realms. I am a better spiritual being navigating this human experience. Sending out abundance of love into the world today. I feel you. I love you.