Sacred Journey Inward

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Change of name...

For several years, this page has evolved from a Mystical Journey into a Sacred Journey. It was a forum to share my blog and stories from all walks of life. In the last year the page has become more of an inspirational page to help raise the vibrations of social media and negativity. Along my own personal journey I have evolved as well. I have received clarity in what I am suppose to be sharing and writing. Recently, I opened up a business under "Sacred Journey" where I can do intuitive counseling and help others in their journey.But I am also a Story Tender.What's a Story Tender you might be wondering?It's sharing sacred space with someone as they share their stories. Those who are stuck and need a little nudge, I can help light the way. I take their stories, old programming and beliefs, and help them reorganize their thoughts. I help facilitate the doubts, hurt, and other traumas while turning them into empowering opportunities. Basically, I am a love cheerleader helping others navigate through the muck into their own inner beauty and strength. Just like the lotus flower, we all have the willingness and determination to be the best version of ourselves while birthing in the darkest of moments.Sometimes we just need a little help. We need to connect with another and recognize that we are not alone on this journey. That's the sacred journey for be available to meet others wherever they are at.Currently I have a web designer working on my professional website to offer services, retreats, workshops and one-on-one sessions. I'm excited for what's coming up and the endless possibilities of meeting amazing souls.Thank you for sticking with me as I, too, emerge into my authentic self... filled through love and grace. The collective is shifting and we need all the help we can get at this time. We are one. Mucho love!!!Millie A. Parmer