Sacred Journey Inward

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Unexpected Moments

I received a call at work today from a man asking for one of our employees. I gave him her number and he stopped me, “Is this Millie?”“Yes it is.”“Oh goodness. Today is my lucky day...” He tells me his name in complete giddiness.“You might not remember me but you changed my life one really bad morning about a year ago.”I said, “oh noooo! What the heck did I say to you?”“I was having a horrible day. I was actually having a really bad time in my life. You somehow noticed it in my voice and you kept me talking. A total stranger. You just let me talk and you said to me (he starts to giggle) you gotta put on your big boy pants, darling. One bad day doesn’t make a bad life. I’m feeling you (and when you said that I started to cry)... you kept me talking until I broke down and all this before 8am.He continued to share that after our phone call he decided to make a list of what brought him joy. And he changed jobs, moved from where he was living and completely pushed through the bad days.“Millie, there were days I couldn’t find my big boy pants. But your kindness to a total stranger made me realize that there is hope.”I was deeply touched. I don’t remember the man but I’m glad the conversation went well. It could have gone really really bad and who knows where he would have ended up?“I made so many calls that day and week and I couldn’t remember where I had spoken to you. Then I left that job and today wouldn’t you know it you answer the phone.”I share this story because you just never ever know how you can lift someone. Who will you touch? Who may need your humor and cheerleading? Who may just be waiting for a life jacket to survive? This man apparently needed my craziness and silly advice that one day. As he continued sharing all that has transpired, including me telling him to write and create, he began to feel better about himself.Darlings, life is too short not to share with strangers. It is also too long to wait for things to magically appear. Put on your big boy/girl pants and get out there and make the change. One step at a time. One person at a time. One conversation at a time. One love at a time. You get to choose this and it’s pure divine connection. I love you.