Sacred Journey Inward

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The Now

There are three days very important in our lives: yesterday, today, and tomorrow.When we focus on yesterday we get lost in regrets, excuses, resentments, and bitter sweet memories for not having been more.... We relive the things we cannot change.When we focus on tomorrow we are overcome with uncertainty, anxiety, doubts, and an array of unsettling emotions for what’s to come and how to handle it. We lose ourselves in trying to manipulate and control the outcome of what isn’t here yet.But, when we focus on today, this very moment, without dragging yesterday or borrowing from the future, we get to live fully in the magic of what is...evolving in the NOW. We don’t have to anticipate or feel guilt. We move through everything that is and isn’t. Joy and grace become vehicles for accepting.Which day are you living constantly? How is that working out for you?