Sacred Journey Inward

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Just Say It

One of my biggest character flaws has always been not speaking up; waiting way too long after getting sick; and then walking away. I am learning that being authentic isn’t only about just being me and’s about speaking up when injustice is felt or when my spirit is being strained through toxic energy.This week has been extremely challenging and when it got to be too much I spoke up immediately. I spoke lovingly and without anger...but I spoke up and said my peace. I didn’t even weigh out the consequences because I knew what I was feeling was not acceptable.Guess what happened? It was received in a loving manner. It was appreciated as a concern and not a critique. It was addressed and I felt a giant sense of pride. This is huge for me, in relationships, jobs, and life situations.I cannot allow time to pass and I get sick for not expressing what aches I feel. It’s an injustice to my soul. that very moment I promised myself that I will never allow discomfort from stopping me to speak my truth. A month or so ago I allowed someone to discard my truth. I never spoke up and it has been aching inside. This week’s challenge allowed me to see that there is no perfect timing.If I wait for “a perfect opportunity” I will be waiting forever. When you have to say it, say it. Say it with love. Say it with concern. Leave anger out of the equation because folks immediately feel attacked. Say it because you cannot hold on to bullshit. Say it because life is too short and regrets are emotional vampires that suck on your healthy body. Regardless of how your ego dictates your worth, please speak up. And it isn’t your business how they receive it. The world won’t always like what you have to say. You speak up for you. Let God take care of the rest. Just do it!!!!