Sacred Journey Inward

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Genetic Needs

divineloveOur souls are driven by basic genetic needs: the sense of survival, the power of love, acquiring freedom through peace, acceptance for our existence, and enjoying ourselves in the process. When in doubt always choose happiness. Allow yourself to live in the core of joy. You are your thoughts. Return to the basic needs of your spirit.  It occurs to me that being hurt, living inside of a past bubble of regrets, causes a shut-off valve in your heart.  It depletes the rest of the body and emotions to flow easily.One drop of kindness, forgiveness, and letting go creates an ocean.  The ripple effect is a tsunami of love.  Returning to our basic needs time and time again is powerful.  It is liberating.  The same way we create our own demons, we can choose to create mystical wonders.Awareness of what we desire is stronger when we aren’t in alignment with how we are living.  Not fulfilling something allows the “what if’s” to obsess the very core of our spirit.  What stops us from reaching out to the stars of desires and wishes?  Fear!  Fear of the unknown.  Fear of past traumas repeating themselves.  Fear of having too much fun and not being responsible.  Fear of worthlessness.  Fear of not deserving the unlimited love from the universe.   Fear stumps our spiritual evolution.This morning I woke to the sound of my cat purring next to my ear.  She kept nudging her head towards mine.  She wanted nothing but to be loved.  She expected nothing less than a cuddle and embrace.  She just wanted to enjoy the moment of my hands touching her fur and scratching her ears.  She’s not afraid of what the day will bring to her.  She picks a spot near the sunlight by a window and plops herself to comfort.  That’s her life.  She goes out in the yard, does her cat things, enters the house with the only thing available to her…safety and love.Just like the cat, I remind myself to return to the basic genetic needs.  When anxiety knocks at the door of my spirit I remember that I have no control of anything.  I am just like the cat wanting to be loved, enjoying the process, and finding peace somewhere in this existence.   After all, love is all that we need to co-exist. Joy is the way to open it up in others.  Make a point to return to your truth time and time again.  That intuition poking at you is Spirit calling you home through divine wisdom.  Follow it every time!