Sacred Journey Inward

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Find Joy in the Midst of Chaos

Hello, darlings. How are you all doing? It’s some intense times. I’ve had to truly allow the “feels” to come and go. I feel all sorts of emotions at different times of the day depending on what I’m engaging and entertaining.

I ask that you be diligent in your mindfulness and presence. Reach out to others during the stress.

What I do know is that these times are about connection, especially with your immediate family. It’s about returning to simpler times. And we will have plenty of it coming up as we may get quarantined.

Love one another!

Get your house projects done if you can. Finish writing your book. Create that piece of art work you’ve put off. Get your Christmas greeting cards filled out. Purge your closets. Figure out how to make toilet paper out of recycle stuff. Do whatever you need to do to stay mindful and present with your thoughts.

But for the love all that is good please find humor. Laugh. Dance. Do your yummilicious shifting. No more judging others. No more hate.

Anxiety will rise. Fear can visit often. It’s all okay. You truly aren’t alone. There is shi(f)t of unknowns right now.

I am grateful for each one of you. I love you.