Sacred Journey Inward

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Let’s Be Love

Oh dear!

Someone went on a rant over a post I made in my other page about being mindful of other folks' feelings during these times. He went on to share all that this is and isn't. I respect everyone's opinion. Stress levels are high and no matter where you are on this incredible comes out extra!

I felt the trigger and took it down. I won't tolerate hate at this time.

Darlings, we are experiencing a pivotal time in history. We have never been in this particular situation...ever. We've had other viruses, catastrophic events, wars, and so many other events in the past. But, this is a new unfamiliar journey...uncharted territory. This isn't isolating one particular place. It's the entire world.

So, please be mindful of other's feelings. We are gonna have mass hysteria, panic, and high levels of anxiety because we don't really know how this is going to play out. We have no clue. We can speculate. We can bring on all the conspiracies. We don't know. This is not a storm that can be coned out on a map. We are the map!

Each one of us has a responsibility (and choices) to be diligent with how we show up to this. We get to participate by not participating in the hysteria or in hurting others because they don't think the same way.

Let's treat this as a new awakening of 2020. We are truly being pushed to be present at all times with some heavy choices. Let love be on top of your list. Let compassion be second.

WE are in this TOGETHER. Let's raise our spirits with laughter. But stop beating each other up. We will need to band together as we create a new way of life for a bit.

I love you. Go love you. I will not stop writing uplifting messages of love. I am a love cheerleader and I believe that we just need to be reminded of how freaking yummilicious we are as humanity.