Sacred Journey Inward

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Social Distancing

Social Distancing...

A new term for our times.

I am social but an introvert at heart. I like my space. My husband and I are homebodies by nature. This “social distancing” is a way for all of us to move inward. It’s an opportunity to return to family time without distractions out there. We get to catch up with what we have put on hold for so long.

How and why and what is happening is beyond our scope of understanding at this point. We all have our opinions. Some of us see this quite different from what the media is portraying.

It doesn’t matter. What matters now is that we hunker down. Those who have lived through hurricanes and severe snow storms...we are pros at this. But, unlike natural disasters we truly have no idea how long this can last.

So...once again, please find yourselves retiring and retreating. Do those things you’ve put off because Of lack of time. But also, please don’t isolate yourselves. Video chat with your friends. Play games. This event is not permission to go into a deep depression. Get help if you start to feel the overwhelming feeling of doom.

I love you.