Sacred Journey Inward

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Hate Will Stop

This hate will stop. It stops with me giving it power.

This is not about policemen being racist. Or some privilege woman moving through her own fears and backwards programming. It’s not about political parties enhancing hate. It’s about the imbalance in humanity. And yes, some groups do heighten the hate. But, ultimately it’s a humanitarian issue.

Since the beginning of time there has been a separation in how we show up in our world. There have been disastrous wars over religion and politics. There have been genocides over powerful hate for one class and another. The labels and boundaries have always been there because we put them there.

Racism, prejudice, segregation, bigotry and inconceivable hatred have always been around. But we didn’t have the ability to see it happening as quickly as we do now.

The more power we give to it the faster it spreads. We get to shun and shut it down by truly teaching through empathy.

And… it’s so hard to be sympathetic when horrific crimes are being committed. It’s hard to sleep when you see and hear the injustice in our world. It’s sickening! I guess it takes a virus to spread to take notice and I don’t mean COVID19. I mean the virus of pure evil hatred.

It’s all coming to the light. It’s happening quickly and frequently so we shift it as a collective.

We are ascending. Many are moving from this 3D frequency into higher ones. And to witness the hurt and hatred in the world feels impossible to navigate.

We are experiencing the morphing of a massive awakening. Let’s not forget what the last few months have taught us about connections. We were in a global crisis together with disregard for race, gender, age and anything else that we have created to separate us. We are still in it. Don’t think for one minute this will go away so quickly.

Our choices are to continue loving and keeping that frequency. Or, stay in fear and hate. You can’t have both.

We are seeing the end of a massive karmic event. We have allowed all this shit to happen and now we are taking stance. And many are appalled that they are seeing what they are seeing. Because… so many have been asleep.

Be gentle as they wake to the horrors. Be kind and compassionate just because you were aware beforehand. It doesn’t make you better or higher in gene pool of humanity. Let’s remove ego out of the equation.

We are actually able to change it all. The majority of the collective is becoming aware of their inner power. We get to decide how we show up.

Love trumps hate over and over. I don’t care what you believe. If your political or religious preference fools you to believe that we are okay then you truly will continue evolving through hate. You are stuck in a loophole of some serious old programming.

I choose love. I choose to love and forgive the lack of humanity and awareness while continuing to move through love. Because… I know it is love that will save humanity. It is love that made us and it is love that will raise us. This doesn’t diminish the atrocity. It doesn’t erase what is happening. I cannot throw fairy dust and then hide my head in the sand. I get to decide if I continue giving hate more power or reinforcing our natural state of compassion.

I love YOU. ❤️