Sacred Journey Inward

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The opposite of love

I am reminded at times that not everyone is on the same level of acceptance and awareness that I have grown to embody as my beautiful life. I come across folks with hate and indifference. I come across people from all walks of life. I usually know who I can approach and who I am not to throw my love bombs to. Leo Buscaglia in his LOVE book shared, “I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love isn’t hate —it’s apathy. It’s not giving a damn. If somebody hates me, they must ‘feel’ something about me or they couldn’t possibly hate. Therefore, there’s some way in which I can get to them.” I agree with him. Hate is strong and it is based on fear and judgment. I feel apathy is based on knowing and then coming to something deeper in emotional body of indifference. Not caring. Not giving time to something. Apathy is the lack of...rather than the rage and anger that comes with hate. So when someone says, for example, “I hate homosexuals” and they don’t know any homosexuals personally, it isn’t hate. It’s lack of understanding. It’s lack of knowledge. It’s lack of humanness. It’s indifference. But it’s not hate because it can’t be personal if you don’t interact with someone who is gay. That indifference and ignorance dictates their emotions. Usually this comes from lack of education. So, when I am around someone who hates this, and hates that, I try to stay open to what love can actually teach this person. Apathy permits me to enter a door of opportunities to be heard. I can sit with them and listen to their story about something they don’t know much about and alter their view through a loving manner. Because in most cases their dislike is taught and transferred (or projected), I can also share my personal experiences. It doesn’t always work. But I continue to show up with as much love as I can to alter their perception. We meet folks at the level of their awareness, not ours. I can turn apathy into love a lot quicker than hate. Hate comes from personal experience. Love is the antidote for apathy. Let’s find the way to change the lack of anything and turn it into the love for everything. I will keep loving in such a profound manner than the person feeling the love cannot deny it. I plan on healing through an open heart and joy. And will you help heal this planet? How will you continue raising the vibrations to help shift consciousness?