You are strong


I love this quote by Nancy Reagan. I don’t think it is only for women. It is for everyone. We show the strength in our spirit as soon as the walls start to cave around us. Strength is not shown in moments of comfort and happiness. It appears in moments of trials and difficulties. Challenges push us to stay in that “hot water” and brew to develop into something magically unavailable to us in other instances of our lives. We become authentically in nature. We learn through the challenges. We are pushed to escape our egos and allow the Divine to help. When things are going well we rarely go to Spirit. It’s as if we need to find pain in order to fall on our knees and get closer to God. It’s ironic! The lower you are the higher you become. Our hearts have to break, pain has to be somewhat present, and then we grow. We begin to evolve and expand. Consciousness begins to remember what it was programmed to do. I guess it’s like when you have a broken bone. It has to be broken back into place to then set and settled. The bones begin to fuse and we are whole again. That’s how it is with strength and God. There is such beauty in allowing the truth to come through in our weakness. The more we allow ourselves to feel the discomfort, the easier the journey becomes. Allow yourself to see the strength in you instead of avoiding it!

Millie America