Sacred Journey Inward

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Moving ThroUgh StoRies

I met a woman on the flight from Mexico City to Puerto Vallarta on my way to a magical retreat.  She’s a jewelry designer. Gorgeous pieces of intricate art! We struck an intimate conversation about loss, love, and life. She lost her son years ago to a terminal illness and less than a year later her husband was shot in the street.

He was the love of her life. They both were. Even after all these years she’s never had the desire to meet anyone new. She began to do her art while hiring indigenous folks to help.

Like most stories, there are lessons and expansions in the sharing.  It’s the silence between the story that speak the loudest. Our humanity isn’t exempt to pain and suffering. The mysticism happens in what we do with the awareness.

I asked her how she was able to move past so much loss. She said by putting one foot in front of the other. Some seasons she couldn’t get out of bed.

I marvel at people’s massive tenacity to move past pain. She’s magical, fabulous and so brave. It wasn’t a long flight but she got right into my heart nonetheless.

I love when that happens. She asked me what “story tender” meant on my business card. I explained that I help people rewrite and rewire their stories. She got it. Her beautiful deep-blue eyes showed me the compassion in her stories.

I am in love with people and places I’ve yet to meet.

Go visit her site:

I love you,
