Blessed Unrest
I have this poem tacked on my wall behind my computer. I read it daily. A friend of mine sent it via email months ago in lieu of me struggling with what I am supposed to be doing with my life. She said, "You are the Blessed Unrest. You are in the blessed unrest right now!"
It is my business to keep the channels open. To allow for the mysticism to unfold. To trust in what I can't touch or see or feel at this moment. So many of us are in this blessed unrest at this time. My purpose is to be of purpose through the smallest of acts whether it be through kind words to a stranger, or a divine session with a client. It is all equal in energy. We don't get to determine what comes through, but how we show up to do it.
It's been months since I had excruciating sadness for not finalizing several things that needed closure. I was beating myself up for not acting or reacting… or whatever. And, lately all I have done is sat in the stillness of the here and now. That is the blessed unrest.
We have grown up in a society that needs immediate answers to every question. We need to have plans and strategies to our lives. We cannot sit still long enough to partake in the silence of acceptance. There is no need to rush to find the answers. When we dance with the unknown, and the great mysteries, we are always returned to profound grace.
Read Martha Graham’s poem over and over. Let it remind you of your own vitality, the life force that moves you here in this world. You have volunteered to be here during this time. It’s not a mistake. All you have to do is just be. And, thank you for BEing in my life.
I love you infinitely,