Sacred Journey Inward

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Healing Journey of Thoughts and Memories

The last few days have brought up deep-seated memories. And, while in meditation, guidance has made it clear that thoughts and memories are not real. They are experiences that shape us and make us choose the life we live. But, ultimately when they show up it is through triggers that allow us to visit them and release. There are multiple views to every memory. There is yours, someone else's and somewhere in all of the cognitive perceptions there is another truth.

We hold on to them and baby them. We worship these memories. We utilize them to guide us into other experiences. But, once again, they aren't real. They are what they are.

So, how do we stay present to this moment? How can we not become prisoners of the past and the experiences? How do we release the triggers and traumas?

We look at those memories with detachment. It's like watching a movie. You are the spectator but you cannot change what has happened anymore than going into a movie on television and changing the plot. You don't have to react to the thoughts. It's in the "reactions" that we get stuck. It's in reliving them that we feel sad and stagnate.

Our thoughts are magnificent sources of emotional movements in our body. We hold them and they cause stress, illnesses, and even brokenness that can't be healed at times. It all depends on how much of the memories we empower.

I was gifted amnesia for a while... even now, 20 years later I cannot remember things. I can see photo albums and have absolutely no attachment to the experiences. It does not take away from those moments happening, but I have zero recollection, therefore I am not attached to those stories.

My goal is to be so present in the NOW that I don't get consumed by mistakes, sadness, regrets, and anything else that is created by thoughts. We get to choose this journey. And, yes, there are things that are hard to get over. They created a huge shift in your life, many times out of your control. Reliving them doesn't fix them. Recounting them does nothing but reinforce those things that are way back in the memory bank.

Your stories are invaluable. They are about you. May you continue to create amazing memories while leaving those painful ones in the past. Every time you tell your story, may it empower another to feel alive not brought into a place of grief and sorrow. We connect through them... we learn from them... we also have a responsibility to grow from them.

I love you.