Sacred Journey Inward

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Know Thyself

I spent the weekend in a deep meditative state. I carved out several hours in the day to just be. I did nothing but sit, or rested, in a position that allowed for my breath to move profoundly in my body. The discomfort is the first to visit, of course. Instead of quitting I always push through the ego monkey mind. Because of old programming, this taking care of myself gets my ego in a whirlwind. "You should be cleaning, writing, or doing something. Don't just sit there in silence. What about a walk outside? Go call a friend...." It is loud at first, but when I stop the resistance it does quiet down.

The world is in a massive tipping point. The divisions are huge. I have distanced myself from the chit-chatter of social media and all news. I have made my world rather small so I can honor the messages that Spirit has for me. At some point truth will come up and out in our world. The mass manipulation won't be able to control any longer. There are folks waking up big time. Others, who were wide awake, are going into slumber. There is a reason for everyone's decisions whether it be conscious or not.

I find it all fascinating, to say the least!

The thing about "truth" is that all opinions are now truth. There are no facts because everyone can twist and turn the information into their own actuality and agenda. Whenever the world shifts from this lower frequency into a higher one, we shall see what is really behind the curtains.

What have the last two years taught you?

What have you known to be real in your story?

What does it feel like when you witness the chaos in this planet?

Do you return to your own inner knowing? Can you stay there without fear?

It isn't the stab in the back that gets you. The betrayal hits you when you turn around and see who was holding the knife. Whenever we stop and return to what we know to be our moral compass, we get clear messages of what is OUR truth. Sometimes we follow the masses. Other times we stand alone. The most important issue here is to know thyself. Know YOUR truth. Know what resonates with you. Stand in your own convictions even if those around you are opposing them.

We volunteered to be here during these times. They are fantastic events full of incredible lessons for the evolution of the planet and ourselves. I cannot imagine being anywhere else right now (well maybe in a little hut by the beach on an island during the cold winter). We are learning unbounded love. We are learning forgiveness. We are learning to hold space for those who are different in opinions and their truth without judgment. We are here to just love, over and over.

When we turn around and see who has stabbed us, we have two choices: move into fear, or clear the passage through love and forgiveness. We get to decide how we navigate these times. Find time to honor yourself and provide self-care. Movie through the things that are important to you.

May you pick love!

I love you,
