Sacred Journey Inward

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Have you answered your deepest calling?

It's not a mistake you are here during these times. The world needs you. We are shifting and expanding. It also feels as if timelines are collapsing together (but that's for another blog post).

You are being called to step it up. To have the courage to change the world as we know it. We are being asked to raise the frequency of this planet and each other from fear to love. The moment we move from chaos into acceptance and divine presence, the world begins to heal. It takes each one of us to participate in that vibration because what you put out there in the "field" is shared consciously by all. The grief that is happening right now provides an opportunity to heal.

So, I ask again: What is your deepest calling?

In the last few weeks there has been a common theme in sessions with clients. It’s been about finding their purpose. Most of them have been around my age. Half of our lives are behind us. We are waiting for something grand to happen to make our lives feel important. We all have the answers of what makes us come alive. We do know what our deepst calling is, but we have temporary amnesia and need reminders.

But, guess what? You are important in everything you do. Your presence is pivotal. I keep explaining to my close friends that I feel like I am at a bus stop waiting for a bus. I don't know the bus number, or the route, but I am trusting that when it comes, I will know that it is the bus I am to get on to move through all of this global anticipation. I am focusing on what I do now and not being sucked by the anxiety of the unknown. Somedays I do great. Other days I feel overwhelmed.

Sit with this question. Meditate. Get pen and paper and watch how your soul answers. Stay focused on your breath when you begin to feel a little lost and return to this moment.

You’ve got this. Your are the most extraordinary of divine creation.

I love you,
