Sacred Journey Inward

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Spring is here…allow for the rebirth of creation.

Spring is re-birthing! I am so happy. I believe in the cosmic changes that are happening behind our emotions. I believe mostly in my feelings and how my “knowing” had been clouded for some time. One minute I am elated. The next one I am curled up sobbing. It’s like cosmic-alternative-schizoaffective disorder.

I see change happening quickly. I see my life transforming towards a way I never thought it would just a year ago. We all live by our choices. The way we become truthful to our desires is the way we expand and evolve. But, this is the time to get with your truth.

And this place in time…right now…is all about truth. It’s about coming into your knowing and acceptance. It’s about embracing your authenticity. No more putting yourself on hold in order to make others happy. You need to be in your true essence and it will flow onto everyone else.

Sometimes we get stagnant and stuck because we are afraid of what others think. At other times we must retrieve and feel the changes, ask for guidance and then proceed with what is best for us. It’s when we don’t follow anything and we just keep wishing, without action, that we do ourselves a huge injustice.

Choices change our lives profoundly. Every decision we make is a ripple that leads to a path in life. We make choices to mend broken hearts, move, restart and reinvent ourselves, relationships, change of careers, and many other assignments that provide for our journey. I have trusted God/Divine Guidance to lead. I have stopped when I have seen signs ahead. It’s not always been this way. I know now when the little voice whispers to listen. Whenever I ignore it I get sick (that’s my body telling me I need to listen to guidance). I am reminded that I have all the answers within me but I must trust. I must be guided by faith but also do my part to make things happen. It’s unfair to my higher self to just ask and not put effort into action. And, it’s a tremendous unrealistic expectation that will never be met.

Each one of us have different dreams. We have millions of stories that may run parallel to one another but no one can choose for you to be happy. You must find that within yourself. Just like spring, there is a rebirth waiting for us. It’s time to create a new story or just write a new chapter to the old one. Make out your lists, your wishes and allow the cosmos, and whatever else you call upon, to help you manifest those things that will bring you joy again. Allow for rebirth of creation! You got this!