I had a dream with an Indian spirit guide who sat on a field of boulders and showed me how we are going to rebuild this new world but first we needed to clear out the debris. And, there was a lot in between all those boulders.
He spoke a different dialect of Spanish. Maybe it wasn't even Spanish. This little dude pointed for me to start picking up the nasty debris. Nothing like being put to work in a dream!
He said that basically we all had our part in the collective and if we all saw the debris as toxicity, we could clean up the planet. If we all stayed in the frequency of clearing out the field, we would make it a beautiful world. It’s a matter of shifting our awareness. He told me that Gaia is waiting for us to participate in this extraordinary clean-up that requires each of us to contribute time and energy esoterically.
That’s how we start to heal. That’s how we raise the vibration of humanity.
I started picking up the garbage one small piece at a time while he sat on a boulder watching me and every so often he would give me instructions like if I was missing something in the small details.
Imagine Mr. Miyagi in Karate Kid. Wax on. Wax off. It was a vivid dream. I kept putting crap in a bag and it seemed like the bag had a hole because it never filled up.
We are all deeply connected. What you put out in the world either feeds it with joy or creates fear. Let’s try to clean out the collective. Let’s join in a conscious expansion to see this planet, and humanity, living in complete harmony without toxic waste.
You are the One. I am the One. Together we are divinity!
It starts with one small thought and action at a time. The trash bag is infinite and spacious.
I love you,