Sacred Journey Inward

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Stop Explaining Yourself

Yesterday I had an interview with Rebecca Saltman and Jade Rehder for a book that will be coming out next month called, U Empath You. Twenty authors contributed a chapter on being empaths. The book is beautifully done. Rebecca and Jade did an amazing job putting those stories together. After the interview that will promote the book, we were sharing the many times in our lives that we explain things when they did not need explanation.

We are all guilty of over explaining our lives and the reasons we do things. Jade said, "Explaining takes away my power!"


I am one of those people who feels the need to have to give a reason why I don't do something at the moment another wants me to. Or, I have done something that another doesn't understand and I find myself having to acknowledge (and protect) my reasoning. No! is a complete sentence... and explaining does take away our powers at times.

Of course, this statement is not a one-size-fits-all. There are millions of times (and reasons) we must explain our behavior to others because otherwise we would be walking around pretty hurt by someone else's actions. When she shared this, it wasn't one of those times. We were talking about having to give someone an explanation for working and being busy. Or why we can't do the things another wants at that very moment. We've been taught that we have to explain every detail of things we need to do or have done. It's not so!

Now, self-explanation is vital for our own development and evolution. I love digging and finding things out about how I can grow spiritually and/or emotionally. I am not a person who can just stay put and not learn. But having to constantly give explanations to those around me so they don't get hurt when I say "no" is truly exhausting. And, it does take away my power.

It's time we stand in our own divine powers. We have to stop apologizing for things that don't require apologies. We must step into the acceptance that when we say, "No, thank you," there is no need for explaining any further.

I love you. I am not going to explain why. I just do!
