Sacred Journey Inward

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The Space In Between

The space between any two notes that are the smallest step in music, is called a semitone. That space is where the music is created. In those half steps, or half tones, the magic appears. The same goes for the steps in between the silence. Each moment that is halted between speech creates the energy of words. Whatever follows that silence is manifested into existence.

I was thinking about this after a Zoom gathering with some extraordinary metaphysical souls on Sunday. The above quote was shared. Throughout the night I kept thinking about the many times in my life that semitones created a sense of mysticism. In those intense pauses I listen attentively to what is coming. This happens a lot when I am giving clients intuitive readings. It is also prevalent in my spiritual practice.

The semitones create the direct connection to Source, God, angels, ancestors and guides. These days I am cautious of what I think, what I say, and how I relate it to others. I believe in the powerful energy behind words. I understand that we generate the vibration that aligns to our dreams, desires, and creation.

Those semitones are consistent throughout our lives in language, silence, and any form of communication. Language is the abracadabra in our world. Every word creates a reality. What you think, what you say, what you share… it all becomes part of the universal music. And, the space in between what is thought and what is collaborated becomes the half step to all creation. This is why it is important to stay in a positive mindset as much as possible.

I have made it a point to pause more, to fill the spaces with silence. The less I share, the more I feel is created from a place of intention. I don’t have to hear myself talk just for the sake of sharing. I don’t have to correct every single person when they are not in alignment with me. Every single one of us has the capacity to continue walking this sacred journey of spirit in whatever way feels good.

When I step back and become aware of how I show up in the world, I get to decide that it is through the highest frequency of love. And, that is all I want. My semitones, my inner music, is an orchestra of pure enlightenment and joy. I am dancing to my own rhythm!

I love you,


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