Sacred Journey Inward

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Tincture of Time

I spent a few days at the beach with friends. A new friend came with us on this short adventure. She's a teacher and star mother full of divine wisdom. On our drive to Charleston, she was sharing a story about having been sick a few years ago. I asked her if there had been medicine for it. She said her doctor told her that her the only cure was the "tincture of time."

I was sitting in the backseat with one of those aha moments that takes over with the God bumps. I just kept repeating "tincture of time" in my head for miles.

The tincture of time is sometimes the only cure for heartache, illnesses, painful life lessons, and losses. Time heals… not always rapidly. Not always in the desirable speed we would like. Not always completely. Things may take a lifetime to heal. The tincture of time is what we endured for many months during the pandemic. We’ve been exposed to this elixir like no other in decades!

Speaking with another friend about this phrase, she said that just as important was the tincture of attention. I thought about this last night. I also believe that. I do know that the tincture of love is what is healing the planet. Imagine all the different tinctures needed to elevate the frequency of Gaia?! We need time, attention, love, kindness, wisdom.... We can definitely have a pharmacy for all the tinctures needed for humanity to move through all the healing that is required during these times.

I urge you to look at the things that need healing. Imagine yourself taking, or pouring, a specific tincture to your spiritual routine and rituals.

I would love for you to also check out this incredible woman, Amber Wolf, PhD. Her website is:

She's love and compassion in action.

Sending a little bit of my tincture of love to you today,
