Sacred Journey Inward

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Your Voice

You have a voice.

You ARE the voice.

Have you found yourself diminishing your voice, or holding back from speaking your truth? Can you remember when and where you gave up your voice?

I went down to Newnan, Georgia, this weekend to this amazing metaphysical store/community called House of Light. It’s located about a half hour, or so, south of Atlanta. My cousin lives there and the community of women is magnificent. They have become my tribe throughout the years! We always get together and create magical moments. Each one of these women have divine gifts. Every single time I gather with them something comes up trying to find its way into the light of healing.  

This weekend it was about my voice. I have felt huge discomfort speaking in front of people. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say (‘cause I always have something to say when I am among like-minded souls). It has to do with my lack of worth in coming across as someone interesting. I also fear that my language skills sound like I am an idiot. After all these decades there are still English words that are hard for me to pronounce and it stops me from truly feeling like I can be eloquent in front of others.  

My ego starts to pull and push this question, “Who wants to hear what you have to say, Millie?”

I began to understand something in the last four days: I am my voice. The power of my words heals while allowing others to also feel heard.  

When I was young, I suffered from horrible laryngitis. It would appear when I had to talk in front of the class, or read something out loud. In my family, children were meant to be seen and not heard. And, ironically, I picked partners in my life, who reinforced the same type of message. “What can you possibly say that’s interesting?”

Now fast forward to the last few years, and anytime someone has asked me to be a guest on a show, or a podcast, or speak in a larger group, I get sick to my stomach. I would rather sit back and just be in the background. If you have been reading my blogs, or messages, for some time you recognize that I love stories. I enjoy sharing them. And, if you were to sit in front of me one-on-one you would also hear me share the beautiful messages of people from all walks of life. And, unlike my writing, I can be a bit of a comedian in my delivery. I will always try to make you laugh.

As I was in my many sessions with clients this weekend, someone said, “Not only did I get a reading, but I also got a comedian.” That cracked me up! I forget that my presentation can be silly at times.

I have lost my voice and my ability to speak up for most of my life. I also believe that many of you have also allowed others to diminish your voice. It’s time we tell our stories, and our truths, out loud even if our voices shake. We all have something amazing to share with others. We are the voices of the past, present and future. We have to step into our light.

Our voices together shift and change the world. Speak up! Let’s be heard. I am ready to use this Puerto Rican one, dressed in my middle age costume. I am ready to truly step into the next chapter of my life. This weekend I released the traumas of all those who I allowed to take my voice away. I gave them that power. Truth be told, I have had my share of narcissists dictating my worth for far too long. It’s time to step into my own vibration.

I am ready! Are you?

I love you. May you recognize those who shut you up, or down, as folks who were afraid that what you had to say would overpower them. There is nothing more powerful than being heard and speaking up for what you believe in.

Always and forever,
