Into the Mist
Poetrycompassion, deep awareness, empathy, God, humanity, humanness, illusions, inspirational, journey, lessons, letting go, love, metaphysical, mist, poetry, representations, spirituality, stories, travel, truth, void
The Excavation
Poetryappetizer, compassion, connection, ecstasy, humanness, intimacy, journey, letting go, love, love poem, metaphysical connection, mind body and spirit, romance, scoop, soul to soul, spirit, traveler, voyager
Armor Plated Heart
Poetryabandonment, armor plated, embrace, fears, heart, humanness, intimacy, letting go, love, love poem, matters of the heart, metal armor, past experiences, past stories, poetry, release, reuniting, romance, soul mates, spirit, stories, surrendering to love
Illusion of Fear
Poetryacceptance, allowance, anxiety, circular staircase, deceit, decisions, deep emotions, divinity, expectations, fear, God, humanness, inspirational, letting go, metaphysical, self awareness, spiritual, surrendering, truth