The Unraveling
Poetryawareness, beauty, compassion, deep emotions, Divine, divinity, Ego, existence, experiences, faith, fear, forgiveness, God, holding love, humanity, humanness, learning, letting go, life, lotus flower, love, meditation, mental-health, metaphysical poetry, mind body and spirit, nature, psychology, relationships, self, self-acceptance, serendipity, spiritual growth, spirituality, synchronicity, unraveling
No Requisitions
Poetryacceptance, awareness, experiences, fantasy world, holding love, humanness, intimacy, letting go, love, love poems, relationships, romance, soul to soul, stories, surrendering, togetherness
Mapping the Edge
Poetryawareness, bumper stickers, choice, crossroad, cruise control, edges, experiences, God, humanness, inspirational, journey, letting go, license plates, life, love, mapping, metaphysical poetry, mind body and spirit, mirror, motivational, obstacles, reflection, relationships, spirit, stories, surrendering, travels
Wave Girl
Poetryawareness, humanness, intimacy, letting go, love, metaphors, metaphysical, obstacles, ocean, psychology, reflection, self, shells, shifting sand, spiritual writing, stories, storms, struggles, waves