Answers from the Heart
Poetryanswers, authenticity, awareness, consciousness, dreams, experience, expression, faith, fall in love, forgiveness, freedom, God, growth, holding love, hope, humanness, journal entry, journey, lessons, letting go, life, love, metaphysical, mind body and spirit, no regrets, peace, poetry, relationships, serenity, shift, spiritual growth, spiritual writing, stories, the heart, true love, wishes
Declaration of My Power
Poetryabusive relationships, acceptance, authenticity, awareness, belief, breaking free, consciousness, divinity, experiences, faith, humanity, I am, inspirational writing, learning, lessons, letting go, life, love, mental-health, old beliefs, power, relationships, strength, willingness
Plan to be Surprised
Poetryacceptance, awareness, creativity, divine wisdom, embrace, intimacy, letting go, love, love poem, metaphysical, mysticism, random act, relationships, romance, stories, surprise, union
The Tango
Poetryawareness, childhood, Ego, expectations, fierce love, growth, holding love, holding on, humanness, intimacy, journey, lessons, letting go, life, loss, love, love poem, manipulating, parents, relationships, social opinions, spiritual growth, stories, surrendering, true love