Love of Friends

I’ve had a lovely weekend with friends.  It’s been refreshing, relaxing and rejuvenating in many ways.  It’s been easy and stress free.  To add to the beauty of three days, snow started to fall before they departed.  In this quietness and stillness of nature, it is time to retreat and reminisce about the love I have for these friends.  True love never forgets.  The love of friends, children, parents, lovers, and even animals is endless when the heart is completely opened to them without holding any judgments.The beauty of spending time with loved ones is the sharing of everything.  Just in sitting around talking, eating, laughing, drinking, taking it all in stride with no pretenses or plans allows spirit to visit and stay.  We sat on the deck of our pond in deep conversations while laughing up a storm.  Each person shared experiences and the moments were pure perfection.  It doesn’t take me much to reach that ease when others are comfortable.  I am brought to the awareness of why we bought this place.  We wanted to share this peaceful setting with strangers, friends and family.  Our main intention has been to let love lead the way.Love is like a baby.  It holds no fear or judgment.  It exists without conditions.  It just wants to be held, accepted and cared for.  True love is endless.  And this weekend has allowed me to see with loving eyes the love that has stared back from my friends.   It has fallen from the sky, softly like the snow outside, covering the ground and all of me with gratitude and beauty.