I See Love Everywhere

I have a fascination with anything heart-shaped created in nature.  I collect heart-shaped rocks and pebbles.  I marvel at their simple beauty.  I am also a hopeless romantic.  I believe that there is a genuine amount of love still available in this world.  I love inspiring quotes and words that make my heart sing, laugh and stop a second to take in.  Because of this I created a facebook page called I See Love Everywhere:  http://www.facebook.com/ISeeLoveEverywhere.This page is for all of you, for anyone who cares to post pictures of heart-shaped things in nature such as leaves, clouds, rocks, trees, etc.  If you want to share inspirational quotes regarding these things, it is also welcomed.  For all you wonderful photographers, copyright your work and post it here as well.We all need a little inspiration during our days.  Life can be chaotic. Anything that can make us step back and smile is delightful.  I hope you will join me in this community of hearts and love…(I sound like a 1960’s hippie don’t I?).  Nonetheless, the page is there for everyone.Much love to you and I look forward to enjoying the amount of creativity out there.  I am inspired daily by the awed-stricken gifts from our world.  May you find a little magic as well!Millie