
I believe in signs. I allow the divine to speak to me in whatever form necessary for my spirit to feel connected to the things I am to do. This past week I have struggled with technology. First the contacts on my iPhone (which were over 300 professional and personal) disappeared into web heaven. I didn’t back anything up. I now have heard from several people about backing up my system on some kind of “cloud” of which I think, “I’ve been on a cloud ‘cause I am clueless.” Funny how no one had mentioned this to me before! Nonetheless, I’ve lost most of the information. That’s fine! I believe the universe wanted me to “clean house.” People from my past needed to move on….Now my computer has decided to pick and choose which programs I am to go on. Wordpress is one of them. So, in view of my little “situation” I have decided to be off the mass media circuit for a little while. Every so often I have to step away from it all and go into a quiet sabbatical. The Divine is nudging me to do so in view of the aggravation with techie stuff. I’ve decided to go old-school and keep a Rolodex of contact information again. No cloud needed for backing up a paper system. No heavenly calls from the other side of the universe to store my computer files either. I believe it is just plain simple: step back and let the chit chat of external noises go. Move inward into whatever is needed. I always find that quietness to be a place of peace. And, it is in those times that I learn so much.I will be back soon. Meantime keep writing, sharing and teaching! Much love to all….Millie