
from phone 053Some moments have no room for wordsbecause just uttering a syllablecould diminish their magic.This is such a momentas you lie on your stomach,bare back saluting and hypnotizingmy fingers in circles,dragging with tender motions tosome magnetic field of joy.The candle flickers in the backgroundand your breath find its rhythm.You are mine…right nowand I understand true beautyas my fingertips search your skin,folding over body heat,exploring through scars, lines and curveswhile leaving my prints to testifythat I was here.Tears swell in my eyesas I prop up on my hand to witnessyou next to me nappingand light creating a masking silhouetteof a gentle soul.I am seeing exquisitenessthrough divinity in you.Years from now when someone asksfor a beautiful memory I will returnto this place time and time again.I will transport myself to the very secondwhen I couldn’t conjure up an adjectiveto describe the scene without sounding corny.Somehow this moment will be added to othersbut for now I can cherish my touch upon your bodyand the nurturing it returns with a sleepy sigh.