My Secret

Come close.I want to share a secret.I love you.I don’t know you well, but that doesn’t matter.I love you for being here, listening,reading, and being a part of my existence.We are from different backgrounds, worlds apart,have nothing in common, but I still love you.Everything that breathes shares in my life.Look at that tree.  See the leaves moving?I love it too.  Look at the ground , muddy, chaotic, smelly…that’s one of my favorite loves.Check out the dog chasing the cat.  Yes…smile.  There’s a real Tom and Jerry.  I love them too.The man over there lying with a cup by him on the station floor?Yep. Him too.The woman talking to herself?  Yes, she’s my love as well.Oh, the nasty personality at the convenient store?  Yeah…he’s love as well.And, that teenager over there plotting and scheming with a knife…he is definitely my love.It doesn’t matter what and who you believe I still love you.We may never see eye to eye but that doesn’t mean I can’t send you prayers,wish you well, and love you for the soul you are meant here on earth.We are all here on a cosmic journey.Our geography is different.  Our lives share no comparisons.But, why complicate things with boundaries, lines of prejudice and bigotry?The only reason we are here is to learn and love.  So, I refuse to fail this test.Want to know the secret of my journey?It’s you,her,him,and them.  We are all in this together.Thank you.  Thank you for allowing me to be part of your lifeeven if it’s with a glance, a word, or by staying and participating in stories.My life is not the same without you.  And, that’s the truth!