The Universal Question

soulYou asked, “Who is God?”I stood against the wall,conjuring up a suitable answerfor a teenager and all the dramapuberty creates in what seemslike a daily punishment of harassment.“If there is no battle thenthere is nothing to rupturethe current flow and process of movement.”My answer creates an intricate puzzle:that’s who God is…the evolution of passagethat we fight with our egos,ostentation, and arrogance.He is the depth of essence in everything;he is nothing because it can’t be seen,yet He is the existence  in the center of the universe.Because He wants nothingHe achieves all,where there is no ego,no greed,and no impossibilities.He is the shallow hollownessand the great depth within. He is divinity,omnipotence,and the light that shines from the heartwhen love walks into lifeholding hope, grace and faith.He is emptiness, compassion and fullnesswithout a needed explanation,and He is all we strive to become --He is the ALL as we finally surrenderinto the expansion of lovethat nourishes the seed of humanitywaiting for forgiveness and the final connectionof who we really are on this realm...when all else failsknow in your corethat the Divineis you,me,themand everything in betweenthe hereand there.